I’ve always got a weird vibe from this guy and thought he was annoying af


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
NSA WANTED you to know, that you're being watched...how? thru this fake n gay character. If he was legit they'd had paid some Russian goon 40,000 euros to throw him off some balcony...yet he's thriving, lol.

Meanwhile Julian Assange, who released real shit has been put through the fucking wringer, and may not even actually be alive anymore.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
I don't mind him, it's not like he stole nuclear secrets. He exposed the government and the government got butt hurt. Just like Cuba, 60 year old grudge still prevails, but we suck china and Vietnam's dick the only difference is that Cuba challenged the USA (with Soviet backing) openly and we can't have that kind of embarrassment


Incel imposter cyber atalker
I don't mind him, it's not like he stole nuclear secrets. He exposed the government and the government got butt hurt. Just like Cuba, 60 year old grudge still prevails, but we suck china and Vietnam's dick the only difference is that Cuba challenged the USA (with Soviet backing) openly and we can't have that kind of embarrassment
Yes it's just like sports. You got it all figured out. Dumb it down more please


He was making like a quarter mill a year, living in Hawaii and banging a limber dancer until he decided to throw it all away to tell us what most of us suspected anyway. Nice going, dork. Enjoy the Russian winters and looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life.