It's amazing how much of the world knows the US and none of the US knows the world.


I was just watching some guy on Twitch playing COD and he's all the way in Croatia. Speaking Croatian throughout the stream, he got a nice kill and I said GG. His response "oh thank you man, happy independence day bro." and it almost put a tear in my eye. Like I even know Croatian Independence Day. (June 25th)

You can hate on the country all day, but you can't deny we are center stage for the world.


You're right but you didn't use a great example. There wasn't a movie made about aliens invading earth on Croatia's independence day and countless other internationally successful movies referencing the 4th of July. Your overall point stands though but you can thank Hollywood for most of it.


You're right but you didn't use a great example. There wasn't a movie made about aliens invading earth on Croatia's independence day and countless other internationally successful movies referencing the 4th of July. Your overall point stands though but you can thank Hollywood for most of it.
You're right. I should go back to his stream and take back my compliment and tell him the Serbs should have wiped them out.