It's 9am and my neighbor is screaming at her elderly mother downstairs from me.


The woman has mental issues (a woman with mental issues who can't control her emotions, shocking) and is screaming at her mother right now.

I can't hear everything but I did hear her say "Do you think it was okay for me to go through that when I was 16 years old?!?!"

This woman is in her late 40s and still screaming and crying about something from 30 years ago.

The mom is in her 70s and has dementia and probably thinks this crazy woman screaming at her is trying to sell her Tupperware.

I hope everyone is having a great morning. If it's night time where you are, I hope you have a great evening.

Friendly reminder that there is still time to add your prediction for David Lynch's number of the day.





The woman has mental issues (a woman with mental issues who can't control her emotions, shocking) and is screaming at her mother right now.

I can't hear everything but I did hear her say "Do you think it was okay for me to go through that when I was 16 years old?!?!"

This woman is in her late 40s and still screaming and crying about something from 30 years ago.

The mom is in her 70s and has dementia and probably thinks this crazy woman screaming at her is trying to sell her Tupperware.

I hope everyone is having a great morning. If it's night time where you are, I hope you have a great evening.

Friendly reminder that there is still time to add your prediction for David Lynch's number of the day.

Nice apartment, stupid.


I have a face like a shovel
I wanted to ttt this thread because as a person with a HORRIBLE upstairs neighbor I got the greatest news ever

Landlord posted the court note for said neighbor to basically get the fuck out because they're not paying rent

it's a glorious day, OP and I hope this day comes for you soon

If I can sum up today in gif format, it would be this


okay-- so they're officially not out yet but it's looking great......

this is basically "the day you sell the boat" day


I'm guessing y'all who have these issues rent. If you buy a condo you can generally avoid having psychos, alcoholics and brown folk as neighbours. In my building everyone is employed and we even barbecue together. It's great.
I own a condo. Only 5 units of the 14 are rented, others are owner occupied. What's crazy is renters are paying over 2,000 a month, still crazy people slip through. It's Florida after all.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
I wanted to ttt this thread because as a person with a HORRIBLE upstairs neighbor I got the greatest news ever

Landlord posted the court note for said neighbor to basically get the fuck out because they're not paying rent

it's a glorious day, OP and I hope this day comes for you soon

If I can sum up today in gif format, it would be this


okay-- so they're officially not out yet but it's looking great......

this is basically "the day you sell the boat" day
Now to wait another fucking year for the eviction court order to go to a sheriff to enforce, and for them to trash the fucking place.

It's easier to live in a state that let's you shoot people on your property and just off them.
Put your stereo speakers on the floor face down, and when the screaming starts put on something really annoying, like Khanate or Swans or Limp Bizkit or black metal demos or something. You don't need to crank it, a reasonable volume will do. When the screaming stops, cut the music. Repeat as necessary. It sends a clear message, that being "I hear you, knock it the fuck off, or suffer the consequences". It has to be really annoying music, though.


I have a face like a shovel
Now to wait another fucking year for the eviction court order to go to a sheriff to enforce, and for them to trash the fucking place.

It's easier to live in a state that let's you shoot people on your property and just off them.
and btw- I live NY......look- I'm just hoping that this at least gets the ball rolling on them getting the fuck out

there is one saving grace I'm holding out on, and that is our "landlord" is one of those faceless Property Management Groups, and while they lack personality I'm willing to bet that they are legit pitbulls when it comes to getting rid of deadbeats
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