Israeli strike destroyed over 1,000 Iran-made missiles in Syria

The airstrike on the Syrian city of Masyaf which was attributed to Israel on Thursday struck a missile warehouse containing over 1,000 Iranian-made missiles, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported Saturday.

The warehouse, located within the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC) complex in the city, stored thousands of medium-range, surface-to-surface missiles assembled under the supervision of IRGC "expert officers," the report noted.

Syrian air defense systems were activated in northwestern Syria on Thursday afternoon, with Syrian state news agency SANA stating local forces were "confronting hostile targets" above Masyaf. Later, the agency reported the alleged airstrike to be an Israeli attack.


According to SOHR's report, 14 Syrian civilians sustained injuries with varying levels of severity following the Masyaf airstrike, in addition to casualties reported among Iranian-backed militias' officials guarding the SSRC.


In addition, multiple fires broke out in areas surrounding Masyaf due to shrapnel from the explosions of the warehouse reportedly targeted by the IDF, with nearby civilian houses and property suffering material damage, the report continued.

According to Syrian reports, secondary explosions continued for hours after the strikes along with the blazes caused by the strikes. Local residents were reportedly instructed to shelter in place until the fires were brought under control.

The SSRC has been targeted by alleged Israeli airstrikes multiple times in the past, including in a rare daytime strike on April 9.


Kharrazi, a former foreign minister, also told Al Jazeera that Tehran had carried out extensive drills to be able to strike deep inside Israel "if sensitive (Iranian) installations are targeted."

Fucking do it already.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.

Kharrazi, a former foreign minister, also told Al Jazeera that Tehran had carried out extensive drills to be able to strike deep inside Israel "if sensitive (Iranian) installations are targeted."

Fucking do it already.
Membah how much energy the kikes put into making Whites hate Iran? How many goyim were sacrificed for jew interests in the middle east?

Death to israel!


With all the Christian American boomers dying off Israel's days are numbered.

Their fertility is dropping there too.

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes

Their fertility is dropping there too.
Rafi Schwartz is alarmed! I'm glad they might not be able to milk the Holocaust as much in the future. That's an honest CuntFucker stance.


Plus Iranians aren’t even that bad. Their government is shit but don’t really represent what the people feel.
Every Iranian person I've known or met has been awesome. The guys are usually based and funny as shit for some reason. The women are often beautiful and I've met a few who have that great combination of actually being beautiful smart and confident but still quite traditional. They're great hosts and loyal friends. And their food is amazing.


Every Iranian person I've known or met has been awesome. The guys are usually based and funny as shit for some reason. The women are often beautiful and I've met a few who have that great combination of actually being beautiful smart and confident but still quite traditional. They're great hosts and loyal friends. And their food is amazing.
Yep, agree with all that.