Isn’t it weird that Pat controls Nikis social media?

Sink Inspector

SFWA hate site monitoring agent #2
Word on the street is that he's insecure about the fact he has no authority to monitor the Internet usage of the biological daughter he abandoned, like a good dad would, so he takes it out on Nikki

Hopefully rumors are real and Nikki is exiting that toxic relationship and embracing her sexuality.


Crumbly feta is not God's Plan
Being the SEO expert she is, Pat probably convinced her his twitter following would bring massive success to PBG, except she has no real interaction with Pat's posts and she hasn't tweeted herself in years. It really is strange, maybe a redditor should inquire with Niki and Lynne.


Dan Mullen touched my PP at The Galway Pub
It's not weird. Nikki works and pays the bills, while Pat sits on his ass and looks at his phone all day, and maybe does some bullshit around the house to feel productive. Every marriage is divided into those two roles. Nothing weird about Pat being the wife.
Well he is "into thing chIld"

I've seen couples have joint Facebook accounts, usually after one of them cheats tbqwy