Is there anything more degenerate than drag brunches?


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to actually go to one of those. Paying money to watch fat ugly faggots dress up like clowns and dance around like a retard while trying to groom kids who are brought by their liberal parents because they want to be progressive. Shit is disgusting and any parent that brings their kids deserves to be thrown in prison.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
A drag brunch, wtf, we truly live in the weimar republic at this point.


These parents need to be shot in the fucking head.


Imagine how hilarious the footage would look.
bro I saw an old transgendered 7 foot tall motherfucker get hit by a chevy cavalier. Flipped mid air, wig came off, high heels everything.

Car took off...Crowd gathered offering tranny help "Are you ok"

And tranny had that sassy anger: "Im fine! don't touch me!" as he was collecting his stuff, wig, etc and hobbled off into the sunset. This was 2007 so before it even became a thing.


bro I saw an old transgendered 7 foot tall motherfucker get hit by a chevy cavalier. Flipped mid air, wig came off, high heels everything.

Car took off...Crowd gathered offering tranny help "Are you ok"

And tranny had that sassy anger: "Im fine! don't touch me!" as he was collecting his stuff, wig, etc and hobbled off into the sunset. This was 2007 so before it even became a thing.

The imagery of this made me loff so hard 😂
I know real fags who hate this shit. They had their own thing going, but then these tranny weirdos infiltrated it, and now they're trying to force it into mainstream culture. But real fags don't want their scene co-opted by mainstream culture, they liked it the way it was. Drag shows used to be about something else, and while I never really understood it, it was a gay thing, not a tranny thing. Men pretending to be women in the context of an old-school drag show was cool with them, but men pretending they really are women and mingling around in their world disgusts them. Because they're gay, you see.

Why the fuck would you take a young child to something like this? "Well you see, Britnee, sometimes men like other men, but sometimes they can't be with other men unless they pretend they're women, so they take these drugs to be more like a girl and find men who are afraid to admit they like other men. When you grow up you can keep being a girl, but you might feel like being a boy one day, which is OK, as you can be either you want and everyone has to play along. Understand?".