Is there a more overrated director than Christopher Nolan?


Dan doesn’t have a penis. I. Do.
PT Anderson (Boogie Nights is his only good film.)

Darren Aronofsky (The Wrestler is his only good film. Also, can we get Marisa Tomei inducted into this Dutch/Australian/Midwest America alliance bullshit we have going on here? C'mon)

Woody Allen


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
PT Anderson (Boogie Nights is his only good film.)

Darren Aronofsky (The Wrestler is his only good film. Also, can we get Marisa Tomei inducted into this Dutch/Australian/Midwest America alliance bullshit we have going on here? C'mon)

Woody Allen

Nah. There Will Be Blood and Magnolia were both great films from PT Anderson.

The Fountain and Black Swan were both great from Aronofsky too.

You're just wrong, child.


Memento and Insomnia were both great but they was 20+ years ago now. I can't think of the last movie of his I genuinely enjoyed yet he's considered THE greatest direct around.


I gave you a rib for the Alan Partridge video. I’m indifferent about Nolan.





Is he even considered a great director? Following and Memento are great movies. The Batman Trilogy is good, Inception is good too but it is basically a cop of a jap animation. Interstellar was one of the worst movies that I've ever watched. I didn't watch his war movie or Tenent.


Shock Jock
“From the mind of Jordan Peele” is the most pretentious shit I’ve ever seen. He really begins every trailer that way.
Woah dude! The inner workings of this guys mind are so demented and dark! Who knows what goes on in there?!! I mean who could have thought up a story about white people being evil? Scientists need to study his brain.


I don't care what anyone says the space scenes in interstellar were fun and exciting. I also can't think of a movie that has a better audio experience.

The rest was garbage.


Christopher Nolan is perhaps the most brilliant film director the world has even known. Thes best example of his brilliance in film making is the bank robbery scene in Batman Dark Knight. While only 5 minutes long, Nolan is able to tell a story within a grander story!

Bank Robbers

  • Dunnhier. Security alarm expert. Most famous for his hubris, which inevitably leads to his death. When Shamtin Simmler asks Dunneir if there is a problem. Dunnheir boldly boasts that “No, I’m Dunnheir”, subtly implying that there isn’t a security system he can’t bypass.
  • Buzz Dreiberg. Getaway Driver. Tucount states to McKenna that he is supposed to kill Buzz Drayhur and not McKenna. Later hits McKenna with bus, then is shot by Tucount.
  • McKenna. Muscle. He pulls over the teller and gives his name as “I’m McKenna With Draul here”. In the beginning of the movie he believes that there are only 5 robbers. Is unaware of Buzz Drayhur and Rhesta de Geise involvement. This explains why McKenna is confused when Tucount informs McKenna that he is to kill Buzz.
  • Shamtim Simmler. Safe cracker. Murdered Dunnheir. After he successfully open the bank vault, McKenna tells Shamtim that the Joe Kerr ordered him to kill Shamtim.
  • Draul. Muscle. Him and McKenna are independent gangsters who often work together as McKenna notes to the teller. Later killed by the bank manager.
  • Rhesta de Geise. Insider man/bank manager. Works for mob boss Ewan Uhrfrenze R’Dedd. Unhappy with his position in the mob. Only Buzz and Tucount are aware of his involvement. We learn his name after Buzz notices Rhesta laying on the ground shot and asks “What happened to Rhesta de Geise?”. Tucount, Rhesta and Buzz plan on eliminating the other robbers for a bigger share. Rhesta is incredulous after Tucount betrays him.
  • Tucount. Initially the audience hears his name when McKenna asks “Where did you learn Tucount?” McKenna was so impressed with Tucount’s shot after hitting the bank manager he wanted to know where Tucount learned his shooting skills from. But soon after Nolan reveals his brilliance in filmmaking when the audience finds out the Tucount was actually the infamous villain Joe Kerr the whole time!


I can’t stand Scorsese movies
I wouldn't say I can't stand his movies, but I think he is overrated. Taxi Driver is just kind of whatever to me, I do like Raging Bull a lot, Goodfellas and Casino are fine I guess, but I have no urge to watch them again.