Is there a bigger cunt of a woman on earth than this crazy bitch?


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Ya lost me at being a nigger. Why do we have to suffer constantly with niggers? Oh yeah, kikes.



When that whole fake and gay Oscar slap incident happened, Jim Florentine said on his podcast that during his honeymoon for his failed marriage, they went to some romantic resort in Costa Rica and the bartender there told him that Will Smith was at the resort the week before with his boyfriend. Hollywood is filled with fags and other assorted deviants in show marriages. I could totally believe that claim made by the masseuse that sued Travolta.

John travolta kissing a man.jpeg


Fuck..Can you say Fuck
with all due respect to OP but what kind of butt hurt faggot gets all hot and messy over some Hollywood actress

She's not even a good actress yo, and yet she has you all triggered to call her a cunt

get thicker skin yo
Same shit over and over again. Some tough guy incel bitching about high heeled M&M's.
No policy, no substance, just the same old 5 year old crap my pants worthless shit.