is the Nostalgia Critic a faggot?


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Yes he's a huge faggot. I actually liked his really early stuff when he he wasn't so over-the-top and didn't do those god awful skits, but the bigger he got he started doing all these super cringe over-the-top humor that appeals to retards and man children and would do awful skits which were dragged out the entire video and not funny at all. It took a while for a lot of people to realize it, but The Wall review was so bad it really turned off most of his fanbase.

But Doug Walker himself outside of Nostalgia Critic is also a huge faggot and piece of shit. There have been a ton of people who worked for Channel Awesome that have gone on the record saying how much of a backstabber he was and how he treated all his employees like shit and that his brother was equally guilty as well. When they were doing one of their movies they stuck a bunch of the crew and actors in a room for hours with no food or water because they were having trouble getting something done for a scene or some shit like that. I don't know why Brad Jones still works with him. He's a good egg.


For me? It's Ken Waller!
You think they're gonna finally use real turtles in the new Ninja Turtles movie?


Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
Yea, Brad Jones is cool. He is soy, but not bad. pretty funny some times.

Yea, I watched all the complaints like 2 years ago lol.

The JewWario thing was fucked up lol


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Yea, Brad Jones is cool. He is soy, but not bad. pretty funny some times.

Yea, I watched all the complaints like 2 years ago lol.

The JewWario thing was fucked up lol
The thing about Brad Jones is he isn't a try hard. Yeah he's soy, but he really just seems like a guy who genuinely enjoys movies and isn't pretentious about it. He's having a great time and I can't hate that. I miss Midnight Screenings.