






Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
It's a shame Dan turned out to be such an enormous thin-skinned little faggot because the podcast was actually enjoyable for the first 5-6 episodes when it was kept to an hour and there were decent guests.

I don't think any kind of organized podcast would work going forward because nobody is going to want to risk everyone turning on them and doxing them and their Brazilian toilet scrubber wife.

Dan, that's a reference to what happened to you.


Keyboard Warrior
I woulda told him to delete all social media and make yourself invisible online other than NPS.
That advice would be too late -- his story was that he was doxxed by Patrick so he put his name out there for that. Even if he called himself Torque Wheeler someone else listening would have made a connection at some point, and then it was over Johnny.

Really the best advice would have been to not act like a faggot and use the podcast to extend these forums, not take them over.
If you could go back in time would you have told him it’s a stupid idea? Or is this timeline funnier?
This is way funnier plus he needed to be exposed for the power hungry thin skinned faggot he was. Anyone who would leak dms or threaten to turn any of us into Patrick should be kicked out immediately. I'm not even trying to be a cool told you so guy rn but I hated it from the first time I heard him say something like "I don't want to get fame or money" you could hear him lying in the tone he used.

He's a fag who literally said "I decide who talks" johnnycomelately made him look like a bad boring host and he lost his mind. Covid is a great guest I miss that. But thank god snake ass raped that faggot. "My wife's a 9" lmao dude if he ever called Patrick delusional..
If he stuck to the 1 hour format, and only did it when there was stuff happening, and had a better host, and better guests, and more content it would have worked.
Dan wouldn't allow it, Notheastphilly sounded like he could've been a fun hang, but by the time he was actually on as a guest he seemed too scared to talk, lest he got kicked for out-shining the host. For all his Opie references Dan forgot the main thing - if a guest is interesting and/or funny it still reflects well on the show. Dan let his ego get in the way of a good show.

Crith Boqth

Multifacted, Beautiful, and Quaint
It's a shame Dan turned out to be such an enormous thin-skinned little faggot because the podcast was actually enjoyable for the first 5-6 episodes when it was kept to an hour and there were decent guests.

I don't think any kind of organized podcast would work going forward because nobody is going to want to risk everyone turning on them and doxing them and their Brazilian toilet scrubber wife.

Dan, that's a reference to what happened to you.
All we needed was a 1 hr weekly update of what retarded shit Pat did, and fill in the rest of the time with a guest reminiscing about some retarded shit Pat did in the past.

Shieeet negro, that's all you had to say

This is a reference to pulp fiction