In celebration of Fatrick's birthday, let's look at his personality traits based on Numerology

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Math is the language of the universe! And numerology is some autistic way of explaining how people are auto-generated into this world. Nurture plays into it, but consider this as God/programmer's lazy way of creating billions of people and NPCs.

So let's take his birthday: 4/18/1980
Now we just add the numbers up for some reason
also we take the sum of those numbers again for some reason, so Fatrick's birth number is 22/4 (the right digit has more influence than left)

numbers 0-9 all represent something different. Patrick has two 2's on the left(doubled influence) and a 4 on the right
Let's look at what they signify:
2: Cooperation and Balance
4: Stability and Process
Mmmmboy not looking like Pat's strong suits... BUT this can be explained by working your birth number either in the Positive or the Negative

Let's jump right into the negative:
These individuals always seem to verge on the edge of one crisis or another.
They are frequently frantic, even hysterical.
They experience inner confusion and stress.
He's going to become a tranny
Making impulsive decisions they later regret. they stubbornly hold their course and repeat the same mistakes.
Norm MacDonald is not funny, I will spend decades not letting the idiots win
Their forceful, rigid views create anger when others don't do what these individuals think they should.
He'll eventually die of a heart-attack from a wrong order at Hooligans
As master codependents, they overgive to the point of depletion.
In his case, monetary spending and revealing of TMI personal information
Generally impatient, they want to get everything done now, without going through the necessary step-by-step process
Onto the next unfinished book

All of the positives of what a 22/4 strive for are exactly what Patrick is missing.
He is supposed to have a inherent strong orientation towards security, meaning financial stability is a priority - but Patrick ignores all warning signs that he is in deep financial trouble.

His double 2's mean being cooperative is very important, therefore we see him act as such a good boy for The Good Guys(tm) on twitter, but the inability to gain fulfillment(or book deals) from this virtue signaling pushes his temperament from over-accommodating to resentful (take note of how he treats potential allies who may haveunknowingly slighted him)

Fatrick is 42 now. He needs to seriously consider working his birth number to the positive.
This book also says "Most 22/4s are slim, strong, and wiry..." so that's funny. They say they're sometimes overweight due to other factors (such as childhood abuse or lack of good education on nutrition). Nice abusive parents and retard brain on nutrition, stupid.