Imagine being a dad.



I got lucky. My kids aren't fat, sausage-fingered Canadians.
Hey, only one has sausage figures and they're all US citizens since birth. Parenthood is the most rewarding thing you can do. Even better if you aren't away all the time like I was for the first two's early years. I was home enough to not miss stuff but missed many Monday-Fridays for a good 6-7 years. You don't realize how important all the moments are, be there, not building models, or away at work. Thankfully I had video messenger, not the same but better than older people had.


Hey, only one has sausage figures and they're all US citizens since birth. Parenthood is the most rewarding thing you can do. Even better if you aren't away all the time like I was for the first two's early years. I was home enough to not miss stuff but missed many Monday-Fridays for a good 6-7 years. You don't realize how important all the moments are, be there, not building models, or away at work. Thankfully I had video messenger, not the same but better than older people had.


A circle of N-words
You can still go the Bill Burr route
Its getting hard to ship them out of the Congolese rainforest nowadays. Then you gotta bribe a whole bunch of customs folks coz their worried about lice, ebola etc. Real fawkin headache. A cheap and effective solution is to dip you hand in tar then in cocoa butter before jerking off. Im guessing it feels about the same.


I have a face like a shovel
Having some kid call you dad and playing ball with him etc.

Thatd be fawkin crazy...

I cant imagine it even tho im in my early 30s and overdue to have a family.

Can normal people go the mel gibson route and be 60 years old with a hot 26 year old wife? Or am I fucked if I wait that long?
the real question is do you really want kids, or do you feel like kids are something you're supposed to have?

If it's the latter then don't bother

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Hey, only one has sausage figures and they're all US citizens since birth. Parenthood is the most rewarding thing you can do. Even better if you aren't away all the time like I was for the first two's early years. I was home enough to not miss stuff but missed many Monday-Fridays for a good 6-7 years. You don't realize how important all the moments are, be there, not building models, or away at work. Thankfully I had video messenger, not the same but better than older people had.
When my first was about two she had a "donuts with dad" thing for father's day at daycare. told my boss i'd be late b/c of that. when i came in later that day he said "i wish i had done all that stuff with my girls when they were younger. i missed out on all that."

since then i've never missed a dance recital, softball game, soccer practice, etc. When I'm pissing myself and drooling into a cup in my 80s, I can only hope I still have those memories somewhere in my shrivled brain. and that they're there to wipe my messes.