I’m thinking of writing my own TV show


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
It’s going to be a prequel where you have to have watched 5 seasons of another show to care or for any of it to make sense.

I’m also thinking it’s going to have no stakes or anything of interest happen in it (but this is a good thing!).

I’m going to have a boring dyke-voiced woman be the love interest of the main character and shoot some of it in black and white because that will make it artistic. I also want the storylines to have no satisfying conclusions. I’m thinking 6 seasons should be enough to achieve all this.

So, would this be of interest? Would love to get your guys’ thoughts 😊


Am I just inhuman... or would Saul goodman be such a fun cool guy to be. Why are we supposed to be sad he stopped being Jimmy?

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
My show is like Garfield Minus Garfield


but it's Seinfeld Minus Jerry; it's just the show, but Jerry isn't in it. Instead of Jerry is Bania, who is way funnier and handsome.


The Backbone of America
Got a role for a beloved pop culture icon and legend of the stage and screen's ghost? Perhaps I could reprise my role as Fish and oversee the construction of a drug operation or something.

Take it from me, sport. If you lie and tell people you're Jewish, you will get ahead in the business mostly unsodomized. But you will be buried in a kike cemetery with the star of Dovid on your tombstone and you won't be allowed into heaven. Real monkey's paw type shit.
You've got a vision, don't let anyone tell you no or that you need permission.
Remember that something can mean something & nothing at the same time, ideas don't need to match until they're combined in the right time & place. I think I need an example:
