I'm so high right now...



Can we all scream "Feed Nana" when we cum?

Of course dude, that goes without saying.

I think i'm gonna try to fuck this little drunk black hoe next door, if i can this bitch is going to shower first.... Pfizer should hire me as a lobbyist, Lyrica is the greatest drug ever! It's like alcohol without the blackout, speed, and ecstasy all rolled into one. Kick it off with some fine ass weed and you're in heaven...


I think i'm gonna try to fuck this little drunk black hoe next door, if i can this bitch is going to shower first.... Pfizer should hire me as a lobbyist, Lyrica is the greatest drug ever! It's like alcohol without the blackout, speed, and ecstasy all rolled into one. Kick it off with some fine ass weed and you're in heaven...

You eat da black coochie?


Females arent funny
Im thinking about doing some LSD and chasing the big horn sheep around the lake. I’ll be sure to post about it.