Im in Vegas for the weekend.


Keyboard Warrior
Find an area with a bunch of whore trading cards on the ground and start publicly masturbating
I tell anyone who's never been to Vegas before that there will be people handing out these really awesome cards on the strip and part of the fun is seeing how many different ones you can get, kind of like a more grown up Pokemon.
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Stand Alone Fruit
I tell anyone who's never been to Vegas before that there will be people handing out these really awesome cards on the strip and part of the fun is seeing how many different ones you can get, kind of like a more grown up Pokemon.
They used to really be aggressive with that about ten years ago but I think they had to stop or only could have so many do it. I remember from Ballys all the way down to Planet Hollywood it was on both sides all Mexicans who had no idea what they doing, just smacking cards and wearing those bright color shirts with girls direct and the phone number.