I'm I a loser because I was never a drug addict?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I'm going to be 40 next year, and I have always been bored as fuck when people talk about drugs.

I'm to the point when people talk about their drug "days" , I just block them the fuck out of my ears.

So you get money and buy/or steal the drugs... and use them? How does that make you have life experience? i have known at least 7 people that have died from drugs lol.

lol drug addicts.


Blackface Killah
Fucking people go off the deep end with that shit. I don't party much these days, but I've popped a bar or two while drinking, worked my way through a Vicodin/perc prescription a little too quick, even done a little bit of blow. I think most adults have. Fuck it, why not? But these fucking losers that make it a corner stone of their personality are lame af. Who the fuck wants to talk drugs for 25 minutes? Its fucking stupid. Nothing says 'total fucking loser' to me than "Oh man, I got so high this one time..."

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
no you're a loser for mis-typing your subject heading

"I'm I a loser because I was never a drug addict?"​

put it in an audio format next time and maybe it'll be worth clicking on

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
I used to drink a lot and I'd always see these trainwreck addicts/drunks with partners that always seemed to forgive them. It made me feel even worse. Then I realized these people are codependent tampons and they were weaker than me. So I just stopped on my own and now I'm semi-retired because I never needed a crutch in any part of life.


Today I'm... I'm such in a weird.. I'm in a weird place because today's twenty six years sober for me, February first so but ah eh ah I'm just saying it's amazing that I'm in creepy mood on a day HAHAHA on a day that I should be ahhhh celebrating


I love media!
Face reality head-on instead of smoking weed and giggling at Youtube videos and torrented HBO shows. I woke up a long time ago.


#1 Poster
Is this where you come to get all your life advice you fucking idiot?
no cap this nigga be retarded fr

I'm going to be 40 next year