I’m glad someone finally said it. I always thought this show was shit


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce are the only Holmes and Watson I care about. Everybody else is a cheap imitation.
I was obsessed with Sherlock Holmes as a kid, and my parents bought me quite a few budget VHS tapes of Basil Rathbone's Holmes. I know that purists disparage them now, but I agree with you - he was my first live action Holmes, and will forever be my mental image of him.


I was obsessed with Sherlock Holmes as a kid, and my parents bought me quite a few budget VHS tapes of Basil Rathbone's Holmes. I know that purists disparage them now, but I agree with you - he was my first live action Holmes, and will forever be my mental image of him.
Why do some fans not like Rathbone? I think he’s great.


Dirty Bastard
Jeremy Brett is always the Holmes I think of when people talk about Sherlock. Eric Porter made a great Moriarty as well. Great scene:

The sign of four is good. Spot the SS dude from Raiders of the lost ark.
Moffats Sherlock like his Doctor Who was shite. I remember tweeting him that his Moriarty seemed to be channeling Graham Nortons character from Father Ted. His response was that Spielberg thought the show was good.
If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance baffle them with bullshit


The sign of four is good. Spot the SS dude from Raiders of the lost ark.
Moffats Sherlock like his Doctor Who was shite. I remember tweeting him that his Moriarty seemed to be channeling Graham Nortons character from Father Ted. His response was that Spielberg thought the show was good.
If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance baffle them with bullshit
Props on calling out Moffat. That guy is a jerkoff.


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Can someone give a tl;dw ? I mean, what's more to be said other than Sherlock has mindreading powers that suit the plot and Moriarty is annoying.


Can someone give a tl;dw ? I mean, what's more to be said other than Sherlock has mindreading powers that suit the plot and Moriarty is annoying.
It’s basically a takedown of Moffat in general as a show runner but defending his writing.


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It’s basically a takedown of Moffat in general as a show runner but defending his writing.

I watched a bit and he was talking about how great his writing was on Doctor Who and I laughed (at him) and switched off. No wonder Sherlock sucked, no more needed to be said. I remember seeing a Christopher Eccleston episode once and it had a scene like this, except played seriously.
