If you were to come across some shrooms to take by yourself for the first time, what would you recommend?

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
I already know i can't go wrong.
I've had them plenty of times but never alone by myself.

I might wanna watch cartoons like simpsons, some goofy movie, a colorful video game. I've been outside the majority of every other time I've taken them, I want to isolate inside.
What do you say would be best?


The Backbone of America
I mostly like to go be alone in the woods, it's amazing. I used to watch A Scanner Darkly while they kicked in so after a while the whole world looked cartoony.

The last few times I've done shrooms I've just kind of wandered around my property feeling like I'm like 3 stories tall. Small spaces look huge and then I just end up closing my eyes and seeing crazy Tool album art type shit in my head.


Forget tv watching if the mushrooms are good. Have a project ready to do, even if it’s a coloring book I used to enjoy putting together old stereos. I have 7 complete stereos in my house and I’ve sold 4 others.


I've never done them, but plan to while alone, so this thread interests me.
Simpsons and American Dad (3-8) are awesome. The one where bart lines up all the megaphones and says testing really fawked me up. Don’t forget to hit up the headshop for some whippets. When that gets boring, go somewhere dark like the garage and listen to Psychocandy or Loveless, best tripping albums imo.

Edit: To add, I’ve tripped alone a lot of times. It rules in its own way and you’ll be fine.
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The woods are great as someone mentioned. I tend to see a lot of 10ft tall spiders if I'm at home but in the woods/fields there's plenty of sights and sounds to enjoy. Try time your peak for around Daybreak so you can enjoy the sun coming up. I've never tripped alone though, not sure if it's recommendable. Why do you want to be alone exactly?