If Annabelle ever does "find her way home", what do you think pig's explanation for abandoning her would be?


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
"Is it true you signed away your rights to be my father on three separate occasions?"

"Yes, but only because I was manipulated by your cunt mother when I was in my thirties."
That's an aspect I love to point out in his replies on Twitter. This nigga signed away all rights to his only child IN HIS THIRTIES! He wasn't some 17 year old who made a dumbass mistake. He should have already been a home owner with a real career at that point. Fucking worthless bum.

The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
That's an aspect I love to point out in his replies on Twitter. This nigga signed away all rights to his only child IN HIS THIRTIES! He wasn't some 17 year old who made a dumbass mistake. He should have already been a home owner with a real career at that point. Fucking worthless bum.

And this was the kind of thing he was doing in his thirties instead of raising his daughter...



And this was the kind of thing he was doing in his thirties instead of raising his daughter...

The great thing about Pig is that you can freeze any point in any video and he automatically looks retarded.

Screen Shot 2024-06-03 at 12.52.48 PM.png


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
His sudden change in look between Ade and Frat Pat reminds me of Seth MacFarlane. He was a complete dork when he was still a writer and looked seriously downsy in this picture


and then he ditched the glasses got a Nana job done on his teeth and hair and started thinking everyone wanted to see him and hear his stupid voice.

Pat did the same when he donned the backwards hat and lost his glasses. Clearly in pictures from that time he was totally feeling himself and thought he was hot. But both of them are still dorks, just deluded ones. Seth shows whenever he writes a cool guy character for himself how little he understands it. Like in the Orville he's the captain who totally loves to get wasted, like that reflects well on a guy in his late 40s.who has responsibility for people's lives.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
She probably already hates him and will never speak to him. Kids are vicious and it cannot be stressed enough just how famous of a lolcow he's become. It's one thing if your mom did a couple scenes for BangBros in 2008 that have been lost to the internet, it's another thing if your mom is Reilly Reid or Abella Danger.

Some little shit in her class is gonna connect the dots and tell EVERYONE that Annabelle's father is the Pigman of Milwaukee, and her entire school is going to relentlessly bully her over it. Shit, it's probably already happened. Plus on top of that, Jon died.

All Patrick had to do was not be such a tremendous online asshole to the point of becoming a perennial front-runner for "lolcow of the year" and Annabelle might have had a peaceful childhood.


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
His sudden change in look between Ade and Frat Pat reminds me of Seth MacFarlane. He was a complete dork when he was still a writer and looked seriously downsy in this picture
View attachment 203347
View attachment 203348
and then he ditched the glasses got a Nana job done on his teeth and hair and started thinking everyone wanted to see him and hear his stupid voice.

Pat did the same when he donned the backwards hat and lost his glasses. Clearly in pictures from that time he was totally feeling himself and thought he was hot. But both of them are still dorks, just deluded ones. Seth shows whenever he writes a cool guy character for himself how little he understands it. Like in the Orville he's the captain who totally loves to get wasted, like that reflects well on a guy in his late 40s.who has responsibility for people's lives.
Starring Seth MacFarlane as... "Uncle" Paul Weimer.


(It's supposed to be his backwards pedophile thumb, not a pecker)