I wonder what Rick did immediately after waking up from his tranny sperg out with 6 hours of sleep




Going out on a limb, maybe he's been extra feisty since monday morning;
as that's when the interested parties from car dealers across the country started inquiring about Susan.
but also, he is fat, and was/is drunk.
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Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
I love how he thinks Twitter followers are who you use to speak the truth to. You have 46,300 of them Fatty, and get only get reaction from 5-20 tops. So I’ll be magnanimous and say 20 react to every tweet. That means 0.004% of your following gives a shit about things you say. Pathetic. If I had 10 followers and all 10 liked every tweet I’d have 100% engagement. You have 0.004% engagement on average.


Asians with southern accents
If he's going to bed tweeting and going on Twitter the first thing in the morning, he's dreaming about Twitter. One can only imagine how those dreams play out.
He has had multiple wet dreams about his blue checkmark being returned to him only to wake up on the fart couch checkmarkless and covered in cat hair and lizard shit.


"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
If he's going to bed tweeting and going on Twitter the first thing in the morning, he's dreaming about Twitter. One can only imagine how those dreams play out.
"And as president of Milwaukee, I'd like to award our most special and important and smart and not fat boy, Patrick S. Tomlinson, the key to the city. Also, it is illegal tell lies about him in any capacity, and we trust Patrick to decide what constitutes a lie about him since he's so good and smart. Everyone clap for Patrick, guys! Yaaaaay!"