I watched my first bad episode of King of the Hill.



It's the one where Dale's dad is a homosex.

It would have been better and more realistic if Dale really was ashamed that his dad was gay (in the episode it's a misunderstanding and Dale is only ashamed because he thinks he's a government agent, not gay). King of the Hill always pushes the boundaries with their characters, like having Bill go off the deep end and thinking he's his ex-wife.

This episode was gay.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
That's funny. Actually today in my naturopathy session, my doctor asked if I was gay. I was almost going to reply with "I sell propane" as a joke but it was the wrong audience. I read the room.
I would've went with it. Either it bombs and you do a 'tssssuh' afterward, or there's the outside chance they get it and you win/get a discount potentially.
I love when Hank, Bill, and Boomhauer realize it's the gay rodeo and Hank starts rationalizing why Dale's dad would be there. He concludes that because he's older he can't handle the regular rodeo anymore and has to do the gay one much like an over the hill football player would have to play in Canada. And another great line is after Dale misunderstands his dad and thinks he's a fed Hank says "Are you sure he said...fed?"

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
It's the one where Dale's dad is a homosex.

It would have been better and more realistic if Dale really was ashamed that his dad was gay (in the episode it's a misunderstanding and Dale is only ashamed because he thinks he's a government agent, not gay). King of the Hill always pushes the boundaries with their characters, like having Bill go off the deep end and thinking he's his ex-wife.

This episode was gay.

i thought dale didn’t like his dad cause he thought his dad was trying to fuck nancy cause he walked in on them kissing on his wedding day


i thought dale didn’t like his dad cause he thought his dad was trying to fuck nancy cause he walked in on them kissing on his wedding day
He was kissing a guy (a waiter at the party), and when Dale walked in he shoved him out of the way and kissed nancy instead (for... reasons?). Weird writing.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
He was kissing a guy (a waiter at the party), and when Dale walked in he shoved him out of the way and kissed nancy instead (for... reasons?). Weird writing.
This was to set up his dads closeted homosexuality, and the reason Dale hated him. He thought his dad was a pusshound and was trying to steal his wife. Honestly, not a good episode to say is bad, brotherman. Hank being put in gay situations is always a rib smashing.