I think the Jews will publicly sacrifice a child in my lifetime



Nice destroying your daughter's life at the tender age of four, stupid. I know we hammer this point, but god damn does this feel like some last days of Rome shit.


[URL unfurl="true"]https://nypost.com/2022/08/08/4-year-old-announces-hes-a-boy-in-transgender-gender-reveal/amp/[/URL]

Let's see what this writer looks like. Emily "Lefroy" you say?


Nice try, ya toothy Heeb.


I also do that, look up the ppl whose name is behind such articles...its always some freelancing nobody who makes $40-50K a year and struggling. I think they're just avatars (not literally) and are given these to publish. Yes, its almost always a Jewish lady. Same for those relationship counselling with the fake letters with the fake issues and the fake/agenda responses.


Access to the Debates
Charlie Danger Lloyd. That kid never had a chance.

What makes me laugh is that before it was ok to be a tomboy or a bit feminine but still be a girl or boy. Now you're encouraged to change your gender to fit into a stereotypical role. It's really fucked up and repressive.
I brought something like this up in an anthropology (elective) class in Uni. I asked if people are trying to “break” the gender binary and gender norms, then why do oscillate between one or the other? Why do so few “create” their own identities? Isn’t what they do just reaffirming the binary and further putting gender “norms” within a preconceived box?

I was told “it’s not fair to expect transgender people to break these norms on their own” which is not what I was saying/asking at all and completely besides the point I was trying to make. I asked for clarification again and I got absolutely nothing back. It started to drvolve into “well, you’re a bigot cuz you don’t get it” even though the prof could not for the life of her give any sort of sensible explanation.