I know there's a certain opinion of football around here but WWAWD Antonio Brown picture of him and Gisele

I for one was happy for Brady upon hearing that he may be divorcing his cunty wife. He's due for an upgrade anyhow. He'll be retiring soon, he needs a ridiculously hot 22 year old Instagram slut to obediently suck his balls while he signs a pile of footballs he'll sell for $899 a pop, not that annoying, aging harpy. One of the greatest American pro athletes who's ever lived shouldn't have to endure being henpecked and badgered by his fucking wife, under any circumstances. It's unseemly. I hope he really rubs it in her face, too.


I for one was happy for Brady upon hearing that he may be divorcing his cunty wife. He's due for an upgrade anyhow. He'll be retiring soon, he needs a ridiculously hot 22 year old Instagram slut to obediently suck his balls while he signs a pile of footballs he'll sell for $899 a pop, not that annoying, aging harpy. One of the greatest American pro athletes who's ever lived shouldn't have to endure being henpecked and badgered by his fucking wife, under any circumstances. It's unseemly. I hope he really rubs it in her face, too.
Is it safe to say that he DESERVES to be BLOWWWWN before the jacuzzi?


Fuck Tom Brady. He’s a prick. Let him have some tough breaks. On the other hand, Antonio brown is a loose cannon and some day will mess with the wrong person.
Gisele is hideous to me, i dont know what made her a trophy wife...all bony and lanky and looking like Anderson Cooper with a wig.
I didn't give a shit about her one way or the other until she started sniping at Brady's teammates after they lost that SB to the Eagles. That's not her place and she really should have known better. She's a mouthy cunt who thinks she's ultra-hot shit and as much as I've always disliked him, I hope he somehow fucks her over hard.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
He seemed to mentally take a weird turn after Pacman killed him with concussion hit in playoffs years ago
that was the gorilla Burfict, Pacman was the monkey who was goaded into punching at the coach Joey Porter following the knock-out which lined the Steelers up for a game winning field goal keeping Bengals from going far in the playoffs yet again


Fuck Sickos
that was the gorilla Burfict, Pacman was the monkey who was goaded into punching at the coach Joey Porter following the knock-out which lined the Steelers up for a game winning field goal keeping Bengals from going far in the playoffs yet again
Oooh right. Burfict was awesome lol. So dirty