I just got back from the hospital from trying to kill myself.

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I was at work this morning, and my fascist boss asked me to work an extra hour so that they could catch up on paperwork. I was so offended that I started to cry and hyperventilate, and my dick head boss started to freak. I grabbed for scissors and started to cut my throat and arms. I started yelling that WE NEED COMMUNISM !!! Two members helped carry me out, and a few people screamed when they saw me all bloody. I Said keep your screams for the women who can't have abortions anymore! I HATE IT HERE! THey called the EMT, and they took me to the hospital; I cried for two hours straight!

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.


Hurr durr hurr durr thems words that I don't here much that perfectly explain or define an item scare me. Fucking retard. You literally suggested that a well known term was unknown to me because you had no idea where it came from and you hinted at some nihilistic view of politics being pointless, why? So now you're admitting you spoke out of your ass or these things you speak of only the special people like you, really get and understand them.