I hope his heart explodes





The gunslinger.
I was never hospitalized in my life, I've never had any kind of chronic health issue. 2 months after taking the vax I get pericarditis and had to be hospitalized. I'm still taking medication by the handful every morning. I will never get boosted

No child, you wasn’t. No child you haven’t. No child, you didn’t.

Wrong thrice more, child. The vaccine is 100% safe and effective, child.


Lol yeah let me get a risk of heart problems/strokes/paralysis to protect myself from a common cold for a few months before I need another. When I got covid the first time, I caught it with my fully vaccinated brother - we were both exactly the same level of sick (like having a slightly above mild cold)

There’s no reason whatsoever to take this shit.
Hey nazi the the science says the common cold is a killer: [URL]https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2022/10/06/sick-children-winter-viruses-flu-covid-rsv/8167177001/[/URL] . Also: [URL]https://ca.style.yahoo.com/rhinovirus-common-cold-cases-spiking-210821620.html[/URL]

The best part of this is that just about every pneumonia death is from viral pneumonia and nearly always that virus was one of the "common cold" viruses all of which were more aggressive as novel viruses before they became endemic. We dealt with them by accepting they existed and went on living, now they want us to fear them along with the newest cold covid.


I was never hospitalized in my life, I've never had any kind of chronic health issue. 2 months after taking the vax I get pericarditis and had to be hospitalized. I'm still taking medication by the handful every morning. I will never get boosted
Nice heart, stupid. Did you get vaccinated because you believed the hype or because you'd be fired or wanted to travel? If only it were Piggy suffering like this from the Heeb Brew, not you.


I was never hospitalized in my life, I've never had any kind of chronic health issue. 2 months after taking the vax I get pericarditis and had to be hospitalized. I'm still taking medication by the handful every morning. I will never get boosted
Do you know if your case was reported as an adverse reaction to the vaccine or if they just said you randomly developed pericarditis for no reason? My girl's best friend's sister randomly dropped dead of some heart failure thing despite no one in her family having any history of heart problems, and they just said it was a freak thing.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
How it started: "2 shots and you're immune, can't get sick and can't make others sick, and we can go back to normal"

How it's going: "my latest booster had been 9 months prior so it's only natural that I had the worst throat ache of my life and had to cancel my once-a-year plans. I'm still SOOOO glad I got it because I'm not dead and being lied to by mega corporations and government does not bother me!"

Hildy's great skeptic mind, everybody.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Do you know if your case was reported as an adverse reaction to the vaccine or if they just said you randomly developed pericarditis for no reason? My girl's best friend's sister randomly dropped dead of some heart failure thing despite no one in her family having any history of heart problems, and they just said it was a freak thing.
They tested me for everything and twice for covid! They even tested me for pneumonia. All negative, they said undetermined cause. This was pretty early on in the pandemic
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Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Do you know if your case was reported as an adverse reaction to the vaccine or if they just said you randomly developed pericarditis for no reason? My girl's best friend's sister randomly dropped dead of some heart failure thing despite no one in her family having any history of heart problems, and they just said it was a freak thing.
You had to really fight to get something reported as an adverse event it seemed. I got so sick from the second dose (way sicker than any virus I've ever had) I missed almost a week of work. I tried to report it and the public heath people said it wasn't a major adverse event because I wasn't hospitalized and did not receive any type of urgent care. She also insinuated I was a bit of a pussy, which may or may not be true.

Don't get this fucking vaccine unless you're old or immune compromised. I have vaccinations against everything and get a flu shot every year. I will never get another dose of this fucking poison again in my life after how I felt from the second shot.
You had to really fight to get something reported as an adverse event it seemed. I got so sick from the second dose (way sicker than any virus I've ever had) I missed almost a week of work. I tried to report it and the public heath people said it wasn't a major adverse event because I wasn't hospitalized and did not receive any type of urgent care. She also insinuated I was a bit of a pussy, which may or may not be true.

Don't get this fucking vaccine unless you're old or immune compromised. I have vaccinations against everything and get a flu shot every year. I will never get another dose of this fucking poison again in my life after how I felt from the second shot.
I had to get this shit for a job, really just a jobsite, and the second dose was absurd. I've never felt so bad in my life. Haven't been required to get a booster and won't because fuck going through that again.