I hate that guy from black flag. Forgot his name.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
I mean just LOOK at this stupid faggot. Nice having a body of work that everyone only pays lip service to because of one album and two demo compilations, stupid. I think Greg Ginn and his dumb clear guitar are shitty.


"Gender?" I've heard the word before... but that doesn't mean I follow my life by your mere labels. Am I a man? I don't know... Are you a woman? Why don't you ask yourself that question? I've never really thought about whether I'm a "man" or a "woman," because Gender is just a noise that people make with their mouths. I don't see people as Gender based objects. I see people for who they are, not for which organs they have. When I meet a person, I see them. I hear them. I sit down and I speak with them, and I listen. I shake their hand. I hold them. I comfort them. I tell them that they are important to me, because of who they choose to be as an individual. Vagina? Penis? I have absolutely no idea what these words truly mean. As a straight cis white male, those are designations that I'm simply not qualified to make.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
"Gender?" I've heard the word before... but that doesn't mean I follow my life by your mere labels. Am I a man? I don't know... Are you a woman? Why don't you ask yourself that question? I've never really thought about whether I'm a "man" or a "woman," because Gender is just a noise that people make with their mouths. I don't see people as Gender based objects. I see people for who they are, not for which organs they have. When I meet a person, I see them. I hear them. I sit down and I speak with them, and I listen. I shake their hand. I hold them. I comfort them. I tell them that they are important to me, because of who they choose to be as an individual. Vagina? Penis? I have absolutely no idea what these words truly mean. As a straight cis white male, those are designations that I'm simply not qualified to make.

TWU. These never get old brotherman, I could read 'em all dayyyyy nigguh