I got the kung flu for the second time

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
If you don't wanna get it again i have a few health tips.

i never wash my hands, whether after a piss or shit, if in a public restroom and someone's around I'll run some water.
I rub my eyes often, pick my nose, scratch wax out of my ears and lick my fingers while eating
I'll stick a finger in that crevice where the buttcrack starts, to wipe sweat out of it, give it a whiff, it doesn't even smell bad anymore it's just interesting, kinda like if you itch your bare foot long enough to scrape the stench into your fingernails
I rarely shower, I sweat and often work outside, if I can remember I will put on deodorant but that seldom happens. I'll run my head under the water if I don't want to wear a hat

You'd have to assume I must be overweight, neckbearded, greasy & unsightly, but by all outward appearances I am a normal looking healthy person.

I have not been sick for at least 2-3 years since this all started. I think it's because of my vigorous immune system training and because it's a fucking cold not ebola

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.


Get up here and shut up!
Everyone is probably going to wind up getting sick again as the new BA4 premium and BA5 super deluxe supposedly are getting around any immunity you may have had from Alpha, Delta, and all of the previous Omicron variants. The vaccine that's being pushed is still the same that was developed for Alpha and there's not much evidence supporting that it gives immunity to Omricron in the first place.

EDIT: Just wanted to add that there are studies that are showing a correlation that people who get COVID and have prolonged and more severe symptoms also have a vitamin D deficiency. There was an argument that COVID is zapping your body of vitamin D, but more studies are showing this not to be the case. My only source for all of this information is from that fog nigger Dr. John Campbell on YouTube who puts all his sources in the comments if you want to look through his COVID talks.

Chew thoroughly, folks.
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(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Everyone is probably going to wind up getting sick again as the new BA4 premium and BA5 super deluxe supposedly are getting around any immunity you may have had from Alpha, Delta, and all of the previous Omicron variants. The vaccine that's being pushed is still the same that was developed for Alpha and there's not much evidence supporting that it gives immunity to Omricron in the first place.
Yeah and meanwhile they keep pushing it like it’s going to help. Remember when they said the vaccines could be tailored in the course of just a few months? Fucking morons.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
Everyone is probably going to wind up getting sick again as the new BA4 premium and BA5 super deluxe supposedly are getting around any immunity you may have had from Alpha, Delta, and all of the previous Omicron variants. The vaccine that's being pushed is still the same that was developed for Alpha and there's not much evidence supporting that it gives immunity to Omricron in the first place.
All this shit is so fucking gay. All I know is A4 paper size


Everyone is probably going to wind up getting sick again as the new BA4 premium and BA5 super deluxe supposedly are getting around any immunity you may have had from Alpha, Delta, and all of the previous Omicron variants. The vaccine that's being pushed is still the same that was developed for Alpha and there's not much evidence supporting that it gives immunity to Omricron in the first place.
My understanding is they can't optimize the booster shots for new variants, because for those already vaccinated it would only work more strongly for the new variant and then markedly negative for those that follow. So they prefer rolling over the same vaccine to retain some ever-shittier protection.

They could give a vaccine tailored to a new variant to someone unvaccinated and that would improve things for a while, but then they'd have to explain why the already vaccinated can't benefit and how the vaccines have drawbacks. #DLTIW


I've had it a few times and I'm not vaccinated. I've only had the regular flu once in my life and that was less than 10 years ago.

I have what they call an amazing immune system. It's over active, so I'll probably die at a young age because of it.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I've had it a few times and I'm not vaccinated. I've only had the regular flu once in my life and that was less than 10 years ago.

I have what they call an amazing immune system. It's over active, so I'll probably die at a young age because of it.
Yea, I remember you said you had it like 3 times right? What time was the worst?


Get up here and shut up!
If you don't wanna get it again i have a few health tips.

i never wash my hands, whether after a piss or shit, if in a public restroom and someone's around I'll run some water.
I rub my eyes often, pick my nose, scratch wax out of my ears and lick my fingers while eating
I'll stick a finger in that crevice where the buttcrack starts, to wipe sweat out of it, give it a whiff, it doesn't even smell bad anymore it's just interesting, kinda like if you itch your bare foot long enough to scrape the stench into your fingernails
I rarely shower, I sweat and often work outside, if I can remember I will put on deodorant but that seldom happens. I'll run my head under the water if I don't want to wear a hat

You'd have to assume I must be overweight, neckbearded, greasy & unsightly, but by all outward appearances I am a normal looking healthy person.

I have not been sick for at least 2-3 years since this all started. I think it's because of my vigorous immune system training and because it's a fucking cold not ebola
You remind me of the Simpsons episode where Mr. Burns gets a full blood panel done and it's found he has every deadly disease ever, including new ones just discovered in him, and the only reason he's not sick and still alive is because all of the diseases formed the perfect homeostasis for his body.


Yea, I remember you said you had it like 3 times right? What time was the worst?
3 confirmed via the gay test and one mystery one that I didn't want to take the test for because I had the option to take a free PTO day.

The first was the worst one. Mostly because it hit me at work and everyone else was freaking out about it made me feel like I was going to die, even though it didn't feel any different than a really nasty cold I would get here and there.

My job doesn't require vaccines, but they encourage it. I don't need encouragement so I just take the virus, let my spic white blood cells have some fun, and drink more water than I normally do.


Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Never vaxed, never masked, never distanced, never used condoms with many multiple anonymous partners, don't wash my hands or brush my teeth, share needles, always barefoot, constantly smoking and eating ass. I'm dying of like five different things, but Covid is the least of my worries. Sucks to suck, I guess.
you don't brush your teeth? wtf man?

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
If you don't wanna get it again i have a few health tips.

i never wash my hands, whether after a piss or shit, if in a public restroom and someone's around I'll run some water.
I rub my eyes often, pick my nose, scratch wax out of my ears and lick my fingers while eating
I'll stick a finger in that crevice where the buttcrack starts, to wipe sweat out of it, give it a whiff, it doesn't even smell bad anymore it's just interesting, kinda like if you itch your bare foot long enough to scrape the stench into your fingernails
I rarely shower, I sweat and often work outside, if I can remember I will put on deodorant but that seldom happens. I'll run my head under the water if I don't want to wear a hat

You'd have to assume I must be overweight, neckbearded, greasy & unsightly, but by all outward appearances I am a normal looking healthy person.

I have not been sick for at least 2-3 years since this all started. I think it's because of my vigorous immune system training and because it's a fucking cold not ebola
holy shit. if people knew all the digging in and scratching on i do to my body, especially on and around the taint, they'd send me to a leper colony. i'm fucking repulsive, but charming, funny, and handsome so people have no clue how debased i am.