I get all my food from the dumpster robin hoo hoo




Joe's Filipino Supervisor


Get up here and shut up!
  • Filmmaker Theresa Kadish, 31, has been rifling through trash for over a decade
  • She started at age 19 when she moved into a collective house and, with her housemates
So she was broke and had to pick through the trash for food like a homeless person?

Still doing this is the equivalent of coming home from prison and still making garbage bag nachos and microwave cakes from oatmeal.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
So she was broke and had to pick through the trash for food like a homeless person?

Still doing this is the equivalent of coming home from prison and still making garbage bag nachos and microwave cakes from oatmeal.
she been at it for 10 years, that deserves some respect know what i mean

unless you are Sam "the jew" Walmart trying to shame people into buying free food


Do they consider the fact that a lot of people spit into their trashcans all the time?
Or throw paper towels soaked with cleaning chemicals in the same bin?

She definitely looks like garbage has been her main source of sustenance for 10 years. I bet she looked normal before.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
I used to go deep with the dumpster diving as a suburban punk rock teenager. Lots of good finds.
werent you a fucked up junkie?

Do they consider the fact that a lot of people spit into their trashcans all the time?
Or throw paper towels soaked with cleaning chemicals in the same bin?

She definitely looks like garbage has been her main source of sustenance for 10 years. I bet she looked normal before.
looks like some sort of snail and centipede in the jars


Not for food, mostly furniture and electronics.

I'll admit whenever I see an old abandoned box shaped TV (CRT) on the side of the road, 9 times out of 10, I pull over and bring it home. (depending on if it had rained recently)

Those TVs fucking rule, they all still work to this day. I've never picked up one that didn't work.

I have a gigantic late 90s one with incredible speakers (for the time) in my living room...
A decent sized flat CRT in my kitchen (recipe tutorials)
and a bunch of assorted ones in other rooms.

People think it's odd at first, but then they always comment how the scan lines add something to the picture's clarity.

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
I'll admit whenever I see an old abandoned box shaped TV (CRT) on the side of the road, 9 times out of 10, I pull over and bring it home. (depending on if it had rained recently)

Those TVs fucking rule, they all still work to this day. I've never picked up one that didn't work.

I have a gigantic late 90s one with incredible speakers (for the time) in my living room...
A decent sized flat CRT in my kitchen (recipe tutorials)

and a bunch of assorted ones in other rooms.

People think it's odd at first, but then they always comment how the scan lines add something to the picture's clarity.
Bella televisión, HDTV compatible. 🤌🏽
Hippie chicks love dumpster diving for food. There is something to be said for all the good food that gets thrown out but I've seen some gross shit. When I was like 19 I delivered for Pizza Hut. I remember these hippie girls coming in and asking if we could give them anything for free. Occasionally there will be a pizza someone never came to get or a mess up, but we didn't have anything so they left. 10mins later I go out the back to my car for a delivery and I see these bitches are in the dumpster picking out half eaten pieces and crust parts, I think they were trying to put together a salad, too. It was fawkin gross.

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
I'll admit whenever I see an old abandoned box shaped TV (CRT) on the side of the road, 9 times out of 10, I pull over and bring it home. (depending on if it had rained recently)

Those TVs fucking rule, they all still work to this day. I've never picked up one that didn't work.

I have a gigantic late 90s one with incredible speakers (for the time) in my living room...
A decent sized flat CRT in my kitchen (recipe tutorials)
and a bunch of assorted ones in other rooms.

People think it's odd at first, but then they always comment how the scan lines add something to the picture's clarity.
Big fan of the CRTs and projection sets. Always on the lookout for a PVM/BVM