I fucking hate single moms (Kike pawns)

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
Why do these whores get special treatment in life? Why do their options in life matter more than the white males? How did we get to this fucking bullshit? Why can they openly bash men, but men can't bash women?

I always love the; you don't know how hard it is to be a single mom argument. Oh, so me living a throughout life is my punishment now? Shouldn't people like me be getting a tax break? I didn't bring a half nigger kid into this world for it wreak havoc on. The mom will also raise it to be a duplicate of its loser dad, lmao! Oh, but the mom took two classes at the University of Phoenix online... She's a multitasker! A real hero!

I worked my ass off for almost 40 years, and all I get is having to put up with niggers, Jews, gays, single moms, spics! Where is my break in life? Where is my day in the sun?

Hey, maybe I'll just go in the basement and yell for my parents to come down, to show them something, and when they come down, SHOOT MY SELF IN THE FUCKING HEART! I earned that, at least!!!

medium wyzzz

Why do these whores get special treatment in life? Why do their options in life matter more than the white males? How did we get to this fucking bullshit? Why can they openly bash men, but men can't bash women?

I always love the; you don't know how hard it is to be a single mom argument. Oh, so me living a throughout life is my punishment now? Shouldn't people like me be getting a tax break? I didn't bring a half nigger kid into this world for it wreak havoc on. The mom will also raise it to be a duplicate of its loser dad, lmao! Oh, but the mom took two classes at the University of Phoenix online... She's a multitasker! A real hero!

I worked my ass off for almost 40 years, and all I get is having to put up with niggers, Jews, gays, single moms, spics! Where is my break in life? Where is my day in the sun?

Hey, maybe I'll just go in the basement and yell for my parents to come down, to show them something, and when they come down, SHOOT MY SELF IN THE FUCKING HEART! I earned that, at least!!!
lol u jealous.


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