I bet his upstairs tenant got on his ass about some electrical issue


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
lights being on a different circuit than non-lights and outlets is not strange at all

mama Raven's special boy thinks that anything he doesn't understand is something that makes him ✨ QUIRKY AND UNIQUE ✨ what a homo

Bet "Master electrician" Tom tried to teach him but his 1.2 brain couldn't comprehend
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Trouble In Tomlinson Town
In small places, there is often a plug circuit and a lighting circuit. Instead of feeding switches from the plugs it's just fed from the circuit breaker panel and you feed out to the other switches and then run the individual switch legs up to the lights and fans. I'm sure in Pat's mind he's a genius who would be the bestest electrician that ever lived IF HE WANTED TO BE, HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELOR CHILD... but it's another testament that fat retards on twitter will always talk about what they don't know purely because with a smartphone, there's no barrier to entry as far as speaking as if they're in a position of authority.
They should be on different ring mains simply because your lighting loop runs through the attic whereas the fan will generally be fed from a spur from the outlet ring main which loops under the first story floorboards. Likely the fan is a retrofit and nobody would loop a consumer into a lighting ring as a matter of principle and also because you'd risk overloading the low ampage fuse suited to the lighting ring. Likewise you don't want lights on your heavy consumer loop (AC, cookers etc) as then you'd be running wider core cabling everywhere for no reason. If anyone cares, what I did in my bathroom was remove the electric shower and fed hot water from the boiler instead. I used the heavy core cable that was left over to feed underfloor heating and installed a step down transformer to feed a hot water booster pump for the shower supply so there's no pressure dip if someone else turns on a hot tap downstairs. The transformer also feeds the shaver outlet in the bathroom mirror along with the mirror light and a 24v extractor fan which is switched from a relay in the main light and has a delayed off set to 10 mins after the light is switched off. Thus removing the need for 2 cables as stupid Pat has. The floor heating and pump are controlled from a universal programmable touch display mounted by the shower. But yeah, guess Pat's bathroom cords are pretty big news too.

Edit lol jk I still live in my parents basement.

The Real Ray WiIson

Raymondo Munoz
Bet he shut off the light circuit, proceeded to root around Nikki's 122yr Schuyler-Edison fan and got his dumb trotter zapped.

View attachment 53297
Not at all. He hired someone to come in and fix his shit. The guy mentioned that they are on different breakers just in passing since he thought it would be interesting to someone who knows nothing about wiring. Piggy needed to tweet that while leaving it ambiguous as to how he found out, implying he was doing the work.

Rule 1 of Porque Squeeler: Never do any work unless forced to by punishment/fines.
Rule 2 of Porque Squeeler: Hire someone to do work.
Rule 3 of Porque Squeeler: Tweet about it.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Two different things are on different breakers? HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT'S INSANE!!

Hey maybe it's because either the fan or light was installed decades after the other? If the house is heritage age, I can only imagine how long after it was built that a fan got put in, let alone became common. Houses that old generally didn't have precautions about dampness. It gets in the stone and mortar and stays there unless it's strongly artificially heated (takes forever). They probably had the WC outside adjacent to a shed. They didn't even have plastic back then (I think) to put under the slab the fucking houses sit on.

But yeah, two different things on different breakers.