How to get passed reddit shadow ban?

I had a few accounts that all for perma banned now even after moving house and clearing all caches and cookies these tranny freaks have me black listed
Same. After being exposed to pig for so long, I just assume most people are lying on there now. It's retarded how much weight people give to meaningless internet points.
Remember when the guy with the most karma had fluff piece articles written about him and how he says people in his office are star struck by him? That was the gayest thing I've ever seen from a pretty gay website.


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They use some kind of browser fingerprint, not just cookies or IPs. I forget the exact details of it, but Quasi101(whatever happened to that guy) figured it out back when we were raiding random subs (The Golden Age). You might need to switch browsers as well as changing IP.
Shit dude that was a few years ago I have no idea how to find that. I'm pretty sure I saw it on the old forums and someone here pointed out that he's a mod on r/news so he would delete posts at the top of the page and repost them as his own. He was a colossal faggot who put as much stock into karma as Rick does twitter likes which is what Torqueya's comment jogged my memory.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Shit dude that was a few years ago I have no idea how to find that. I'm pretty sure I saw it on the old forums and someone here pointed out that he's a mod on r/news so he would delete posts at the top of the page and repost them as his own. He was a colossal faggot who put as much stock into karma as Rick does twitter likes which is what Torqueya's comment jogged my memory.

Deleting top posts and reposting them as your own is a good bit tho
The other day I shamed someone on Reddit for worshipping this skeleton looking bitch. He accused me of being out of shape so I went on his post history and found his post about his battle with gynecomastia. I posted back saying I'm not in perfect shape but at least I have man chest and no bitch tits. Dude deleted his profile. I got a warning for hate speech. I take it as a W.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Im banned on the reddit app no matter what. But when i made a new name under a new IP on Safari It works. I barely use it anymore anyways. Its good for research chem info


Im banned on the reddit app no matter what. But when i made a new name under a new IP on Safari It works. I barely use it anymore anyways. Its good for research chem info
Is it linked to your apple or Google account? I had the same thing happen back when we were swarming other subs.


I had a few accounts that all for perma banned now even after moving house and clearing all caches and cookies these tranny freaks have me black listed
Who gives a fuck? I ran 7 Johnny Come Lately O&A subs post the hammer drop. That site is run by drug addicts and Communists. Addition by subtraction, says I.