How the fuck does anyone enjoy EDM music?

Every song sounds the fucking same. WOMP WOMP WOMP BZZ BZZ BZZ. How does anyone enjoy such shitty fucking music. There is no talent to it at all. Just some douchebag with his parents money sitting on a laptop pressing the same buttons over and over again. It's always douchebags and junkies that only listen to it too. Do they only pretend to like it as an excuse to be faggots and go take molly? It's the only explanation that seems to make any sense to me.


Still spreading the O&A virus
The EDM scene is not about music. It is about drugs. Same thing with hippie fag jam band music. You get into the scene for the faggy social politics and the drugs. The music is probably not even in the top ten most important things about the EDM scene. Just like how most pop singers are lip syncing and the fans know it. They are not there to hear live music they are just there to party.

All those dumb gook K-Pop acts are just lip syncing dancers gyrating like niggers on stage to a prerecorded concert. Madonna has not done a live singing show in decades. The music does not matter. They do not sing live for the national anthem at the Super Bowl. They lip sync the halftime shows. It is all just theater for the stupid.

There are talented singers and performers. Talented electronic acts like Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk, New Order, and whatnot. But any pop music scene is pretty much nothing to do with music.


Pay attention to how nervous I am
Just like how most pop singers are lip syncing and the fans know it. They are not there to hear live music they are just there to party.

All those dumb gook K-Pop acts are just lip syncing dancers gyrating like niggers on stage to a prerecorded concert. Madonna has not done a live singing show in decades. The music does not matter. They do not sing live for the national anthem at the Super Bowl. They lip sync the halftime shows. It is all just theater for the stupid.

There are talented singers and performers. Talented electronic acts like Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk, New Order, and whatnot. But any pop music scene is pretty much nothing to do with music.
two follow up questions since I'm not sure you were clear enough. 1) are pop stars lip syncing? 2) does any of it actually have anything to do with the music?




❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
It’s fun to get drunk to at festivals. But honestly I’m starting to get too old for that (I’m like forty flurf). Can’t imagine listening it to it in my car.


OP this is your glowiest thread yet, trying to bring out all the drug users.


It sounds pretty good while you're blowing coke up some rave girls ass in the porta john in 2010.
OP this is your glowiest thread yet, trying to bring out all the drug users.
I do drugs myself buddy and don't care if others do them, I just don't like fags who base their whole personality around it or pretend to like scenes as an excuse to do them. Same goes for all the potheads who pretend to like jam bands and reggae music