How long do you wait before saying the word 'nigger' around them? or bashing jews?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
Where I live I can't really say 'nigger' anymore, or BLM might show up. Sucks, I would say nigger a lot around people and the weak ones would get butt hurt. I said my views one time on the 'holocaust' around a group of "friends" (pussies) and well, that was the last time I ever heard back from them. this was 6 years ago now? funny how when you start talk about simple facts and questions, their own come back is saying my 1st name in a disappointing manner, or, "history doesn't lie", or my favorite rebuttable to anything a faggot doesn't know about "Come on, man".


Slurs = kindergarten shit.

You gotta hit them politely with SCIENCE, stats and compelling arguments. like if you see a Mexican ask them why is it that from the Toltecs to Mayans to Aztecs to modern Mexico, is their pinnacle of civilizational achievement the "Taco Truck"?

Or just visually compare Roman ruins, say of Pompeii to like a modern African village, etc.


Stand Alone Fruit
I just saw a news report of a white getting robbed and brutally beaten by two black teenagers. They were caught because they were charging things to his card 3 blocks away. The wife of the guy who had part of his skull removed and will be in the hospital for months has sympathy for the teenagers who beat her husband into a coma because - I can’t believe this - she understands their anger since recent events have upset then.

That’s right, dopey white wife is blaming black teenagers robbing, beating, shooting each other recently is related to anger over Row vs Wade.

That’s the world we live in. The word should be used much more because we’re all thinking it.


Go work. Get Sandwiches
I call my spear chucking, best mate. A nigger all the the time. It comes with a receipt.

I know, no Jews.


Dan doesn’t have a penis. I. Do.
What are they going to do, arrest you for calling a black man a nigger? I don’t really deal with niggers in my personal life.
I can go months without seeing niggers. It's pretty great.
I know several black dudes whom I call friends. But they're country as fuck
and hate niggers more than anyone.
Haven't seen a Jew since I walked away from academia.