How long before someone gets killed or paralyzed in AEW?

I like Cornette's wrestling takes, and I've tried to follow it again just because of him. These guys and girls in AEW are so fucking bad, they constantly injure each other because they can't work. It's going to happen, someone will break their neck and die or end up in a wheelchair for life...
The worst is when one of those assholes jumps from the top rope or a ladder or whatever, and four guys are just standing there ready to catch him. One day, one of those retards will land on his head and become a quad, and they'll trot him out and solicit donations to the spinal fund or whatever. Wrestlers are and always have been disposable. Paul Heyman built a whole big career out of retards and addicts smashing shit over one another's heads, most of those old ECW guys are either already dead or invalids now.