How dumb do you have to be to think we're doing this because of Norm or his politics?


The Norm tweet put him on the radar but the many years of Pat being a sanctimonious condescending prick to everyone who dares to disagree with him made him a superstar.

"Child", "Sweety" "Little One". Years of doing stuff like that made him universally hated.

Also, being a pathological liar doesn't do him any favors, either.


Give Me Some Money
The Norm tweet put him on the radar but the many years of Pat being a sanctimonious condescending prick to everyone who dares to disagree with him made him a superstar.

"Child", "Sweety" "Little One". Years of doing stuff like that made him universally hated.

Also, being a pathological liar doesn't do him any favors, either.
It wasn't even the Norm tweet by itself, it was that it was accompanied by Pat's incredibly shitty stand up.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
The Norm tweet put him on the radar but the many years of Pat being a sanctimonious condescending prick to everyone who dares to disagree with him made him a superstar.

"Child", "Sweety" "Little One". Years of doing stuff like that made him universally hated.

Also, being a pathological liar doesn't do him any favors, either.
I will always credit “No, child. You did not fart in my wife’s vagina.” as the biggest reason the pig is fucked with. It was probably the most pivotal moment. It was when his autism stopped him from noticing how stupid he was going to look, and when everyone realized this guy is going to be hilarious to fuck with.


I'd like to see Dan start interacting with pat on twitter, then pat does da copy pasta ," you are under investigation for swatting, doxxing..."
Dan can sue him for defamation as he's not anonymous and that's libel
. see the prison threats end real quick



May St. Mel bless you
Fatty sticks with the Norm tweet story because more information would make him look crazy, and Fatty kind of knows this, even with his 1.7 GPA.

More important, Trump broke the brains of everyone in the media. They are willing to believe that we would threaten a liberal man over a tweet because we are "alt right", i.e. anonymous crazy right wingers.

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
Although I think the left/right distinction and tribalism is pretty fucking stupid, I’m probably slightly further “left” than Patrick and I think he’s a big fucking retard that’s very fun to make fun of. There are a million bigger libs/lefties on Twitter, Pat. Also tons of idiots that talked shit about Norm when that stuff went down. Why do you think you’re getting this treatment and not them?
The Norm tweet put him on the radar but the many years of Pat being a sanctimonious condescending prick to everyone who dares to disagree with him made him a superstar.

"Child", "Sweety" "Little One". Years of doing stuff like that made him universally hated.

Also, being a pathological liar doesn't do him any favors, either.
He’s a sanctimonious and condescending prick to everyone who tries to help him too.


I will always credit “No, child. You did not fart in my wife’s vagina.” as the biggest reason the pig is fucked with. It was probably the most pivotal moment. It was when his autism stopped him from noticing how stupid he was going to look, and when everyone realized this guy is going to be hilarious to fuck with.
Another one of his greatest hits is "That's not how oopsie doodles works, Child".
The Norm tweet put him on the radar but the many years of Pat being a sanctimonious condescending prick to everyone who dares to disagree with him made him a superstar.

"Child", "Sweety" "Little One". Years of doing stuff like that made him universally hated.

Also, being a pathological liar doesn't do him any favors, either.

Yes, people don't give enough credit to the years of work Pat put in to developing an absolutely vile and obnoxious personality.

All they see is this "overnight success" with articles in the Daily Mail and Cracked.

Honey Badger

My father has no penis
