How does someone this ugly ascend in national politics?

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry


Stand Alone Fruit
He’s a real bum, trust fund kid that lived off his parents until his 40s. His whole shtick is he’s a “real blue collar guy” yet never worked a blue collar (or any) job. His political ads are just telling you he’s “not your average politician” yet mention nothing he would do if elected. Seriously, his political ads brag that he played high school football like that means you should vote for him.


yep yep yep yep yep
He’s a real bum, trust fund kid that lived off his parents until his 40s. His whole shtick is he’s a “real blue collar guy” yet never worked a blue collar (or any) job. His political ads are just telling you he’s “not your average politician” yet mention nothing he would do if elected. Seriously, his political ads brag that he played high school football like that means you should vote for him.
As blue collar as one William Burr


Stand Alone Fruit
He's even doing the Happy Merchant pose. They can't help themselves. Nice crisp white sweatshirt for a "worker", stupid.
That’s what’s so awful about him, he pretends to be some regular joe blue collar guy but lived off his parents until his 40s. His whole campaign is “vote for him, he wears hoodies which means he’s real!” His own supporters can’t even tell you what he will do if elected, just “he’s a regular guy like me, he wears hoodies! He played high school football!”