How do we feel about writing poems for your lady?

Ryan Giggs, a legendary ex Manchester United footballer who has won the premier league more times than anyone else and played for Manchester United for 24 years is currently in trial for being a bit of a Cumia and beating up his girlfriend ( he's worse than Ant he also fucked his brothers Wife for 8 years)

During the trial a poem he has written has come out as some form of evidence and it's the most hilariously cringe inducing thing I have ever read. Do people actually write their girlfriends poems? He's in his 40s not some spotty kid



A lady wrote a poem for me recently. I was flattered.



fuck jews
Poetry is a thing of the past, you'll have to look back 50 years to find anything worth reading. I can appreciate when someone can pack a lot of meaning into a few words. These days people have Joe Cumia levels of brevity and won't shut the fuck up.

I missed the point of the thread nobody in the 21st century should be writing poetry and I'd sooner kill myself than write something for myself to recite in front of someone I care about.


Poetry is a thing of the past, you'll have to look back 50 years to find anything worth reading. I can appreciate when someone can pack a lot of meaning into a few words. These days people have Joe Cumia levels of brevity and won't shut the fuck up.

@covidcumia comment?


it doesn't taste all that good
In fairnethth, we can't jutht thpectate and that'th what latht night wath. we can free form much better than be athked for thuththinct commentth. we're the color(ed) commentatorth not the play by play guyth even with friendth. we have to agree with what you thaid becauthe honethtly we're good at relating thtorieth and we can do a punch line, but having 4 people on thtartth getting too NPR round table. None of that latht night was what wath intended, the guy died it changed the thubject. Either or the podcatht ith funny when whoever ith on relateth back to forum ththenaniganth and we dithagree that the Hildy guy ithn't funny, he'th a literal goldmine that we jutht need a key to unlock. Either way we jutht come here to laugh and we're not hythterical anymore with all the infighting