How do babies react when they see you?


Every single baby I've ever encountered laughs at me like I'm some fucking joke. Immediately big smiles and laughter, even if I'm filthy and unkempt. My buddy has the exact opposite effect, baby's cry when they see him or become visibly upset.

Just happened 10 mins ago in 7-11 some kid was laughing and hiding behind his mom playing peekaboo with me. My nigga Eddie comes over with a bottle of water and stands next to me and the kid got red and looked terrified of him. Eddie looks like the fat Polynesian guy from the old Nickelodeon show Rocket Power
This weekend at the pub I was enjoying seeing people I haven't seen all year when their kid who hasn't seen me since Christmas which in a one year olds world is a life time kept wanting me to pick up him and high five him and then pull funny faces at.

So I'll try and catch up with them at Christmas when I next see them.


It died on the vine
Nothing more fulfilling than making your kid smile, especially as a little baby. Looking back at old queen Nana getting disgusted at the idea of having a family. Fake laughing with hacks and staring down that Bud Light bottle really filled that void, huh faggot?
Little man smiles at me and it's just so darn cute. It's worth giving up the weed and liquor. I see family who have no kids and just work and come home and they all look like death.
Babies invariably like me, and I like them...for a little while. Then they begin to bore me, what with how they just lie there drooling and etc.
I see family who have no kids and just work and come home and they all look like death.
Fair, but I've also seen the exact opposite. I know a guy, real good egg, married a total piece of ass. Knocked her up three times, all girls. Now the wife has packed on a solid 45 pounds and when the kids are around he looks like he'd rather be anywhere else.


It died on the vine
Fair, but I've also seen the exact opposite. I know a guy, real good egg, married a total piece of ass. Knocked her up three times, all girls. Now the wife has packed on a solid 45 pounds and when the kids are around he looks like he'd rather be anywhere else.
Also fair. I don't know how you prevent this from happening other than being in a relationship where you've spoken honestly about how you'd leave them if they got fat. It's how I've gotten by.
Also fair. I don't know how you prevent this from happening other than being in a relationship where you've spoken honestly about how you'd leave them if they got fat. It's how I've gotten by.
I mean, she isn't heinous or anything, and the kids are cute enough, but wherever they go, it’s a whole huge circus with the car seats and strollers and begging to play with daddy's phone. The light has gone out in his eyes, and now he exists solely for them. Some guys might want that, and that's cool, but I'm way too self-absorbed and hedonistic for that shit.


It died on the vine
I mean, she isn't heinous or anything, and the kids are cute enough, but wherever they go, it’s a whole huge circus with the car seats and strollers and begging to play with daddy's phone. The light has gone out in his eyes, and now he exists solely for them. Some guys might want that, and that's cool, but I'm way too self-absorbed and hedonistic for that shit.
Oh yeah he's in the deep shit. I will never allow my son to have access to my phone. No games or anything. He can go outside for that shit, same as his brothers. My mom told me that when we were able to get ourselves in and out of the car by ourselves it was like she got out of jail, so I guess he has that to look forward to.
But yeah, it's a slog. Good on you for not popping them out just because someone might be breathing down your neck to do it.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
I mean, she isn't heinous or anything, and the kids are cute enough, but wherever they go, it’s a whole huge circus with the car seats and strollers and begging to play with daddy's phone. The light has gone out in his eyes, and now he exists solely for them. Some guys might want that, and that's cool, but I'm way too self-absorbed and hedonistic for that shit.
That age frame goes by quickly. Seems like it was only a couple years ago with the car seats, but now we're playing card games, making fart jokes and laughing at fat people on TV together. But I have good, not-too-whiny kids so maybe I just got lucky.


Every single baby I've ever encountered laughs at me like I'm some fucking joke. Immediately big smiles and laughter, even if I'm filthy and unkempt. My buddy has the exact opposite effect, baby's cry when they see him or become visibly upset.

Just happened 10 mins ago in 7-11 some kid was laughing and hiding behind his mom playing peekaboo with me. My nigga Eddie comes over with a bottle of water and stands next to me and the kid got red and looked terrified of him. Eddie looks like the fat Polynesian guy from the old Nickelodeon show Rocket Power
Mostly confusion.