Homeless nerd Ian McCarthey

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
Ian McCarthy aka Lan Macthey, a fringe character of the Delray Misfits and attempted coach of a young Janoy Cresva, is now homeless and pity vlogging on Instagram for donations. This is what happens when you ASSOOOOOOOOOOOM things, Ian. He's a pretty hateable worm, so even non-Misfits fans can enjoy this



Wow that was crazy. Maybe nobodys sending him money because hes been begging for money even when he wasnt homeless. Dramatic cunt.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Don’t know him at all, but I guess I’m just a casual observer of the Jenovaverse. What’s his deal? He’s at least right that suicide is his best option.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
I have no idea who this guy is, but he looks presentable at the very least. He could probably get a job within a week if he asked every place he could. And aren't there homeless shelters where they put you up for a night? i mean i heard they are like Oz in there, but a beds a bed.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
I have no idea who this guy is, but he looks presentable at the very least. He could probably get a job within a week if he asked every place he could. And aren't there homeless shelters where they put you up for a night? i mean i heard they are like Oz in there, but a beds a bed.
He says that he can't even get min wage jobs b/c he doesn't have "address security," which I guess means a stable place to live. Not sure about shelters, but one homeless dude I used to talk to in DC once told me that the ones there are nightmares.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
He says that he can't even get min wage jobs b/c he doesn't have "address security," which I guess means a stable place to live. Not sure about shelters, but one homeless dude I used to talk to in DC once told me that the ones there are nightmares.
The fixed address thing is gay, but i imagine there are still a few places that will pay people cash in hand. Just have to avoid franchises and more reputable businesses lol. Could work some dogshit grunt job for off the books payment and stay at some cockroach motel until you save enough to pay for the first months rent at some rundown apartment.

Yeah, i watched a documentary about these homeless dudes in NYC, the documentary was filmed in the early 2000's if i recall correctly, the guys said they avoided homeless shelters in the city because they were grim and thefts, fights and rapes weren't uncommon. However, most of them said they avoided them because they didn't allow you to smoke, drink or get high in them lol. Imo a beds a bed though, it wouldn't be hard for a guy with average fitness and intellect to fight off bums and stake a claim on one of the beds.


He says that he can't even get min wage jobs b/c he doesn't have "address security," which I guess means a stable place to live. Not sure about shelters, but one homeless dude I used to talk to in DC once told me that the ones there are nightmares.
How they gonna check? Just put his old address or jasons lol.