this isn't amphetamine abuse, unless you mean actual meth rotting her brain. She's claimed to be autistic. She could be lying , but given her weirdo mannerisms I'm inclined to believe her. Abusing adderall can lead to mood swings, depression , mild paranoia. but not randomly accuse a federal judge of international conspiracies kind of paranoia.
Autism can be confused with bipolar and vice versa. She comes off as borderline as well if those chat logs are to be beveled. I don't know where you dummies get your ideas about about drugs, but maybe I'm wrong. One of you drug queers correct me, but my understanding is the chemical compound and structure of adderall for example, means it can't cross the brain blood barrier in the same was as straight meth and thus will never have the same effects even at OD doses. You'll just have a heart attack or stroke before you are punch a cop levels of methed out.
Sure you can try to snort enough prescription amphetamines to mimic a meth high, but it just doesn't release that fast. you're likely to die of a brain hemorrhage trying.
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