Hilarious trivia: "Socks" invented by comedians in the Roman Empire



"Sock" is from the Latin soccus...a piece of clothing worn as shoes only by comedians due to their lowly position in Roman society. Comedians weren't allowed to wear boots (aka cothurnus) or sandals.


[URL unfurl="true"]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soccus[/URL]
Lol I value humor above a lot of things in people. It's hilarious because it actually is a useless quality in terms of working and survivng, people just like it because it's entertaining. Like, there's homeless people that do some pretty neat tricks and just because they entertained me for a minute, I'm still fine with them sleeping on a rug outside.
Such a typical civilian opinion.

You don't understand the talent, dedication and effort that goes in the craft. It takes decades to be able to just walk onto stage and be funny.

Just keep your dull office job while we comedians provide the world with laughter and social commentary:
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not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Lol I value humor above a lot of things in people. It's hilarious because it actually is a useless quality in terms of working and survivng, people just like it because it's entertaining. Like, there's homeless people that do some pretty neat tricks and just because they entertained me for a minute, I'm still fine with them sleeping on a rug outside.

Comedy is as common as fuck, it’s the only “skill” you can just accidentally do

When you can put a retard on stage and he can entertain the crowd as well as a 15 year veteran comedian, you have what amounts to trained retardation

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
How embarrassing, being preserved like this with your dick in your hand, for future generations to laugh at.
This one time, at Burning Man, we got back to our camp to find one of the people that came with us passed out outside the RV with a hand jammed down his pants.
"......he almost made it"


Get up here and shut up!
"Sock" is from the Latin soccus...a piece of clothing worn as shoes only by comedians due to their lowly position in Roman society. Comedians weren't allowed to wear boots (aka cothurnus) or sandals.


Roman's also used to tie a knot at the end of their foreskin's (a dog tie) when they competed in the Olympics so their dick heads wouldn't pop out as it was considered disrespectful and shameful. They did some odd shit is what I'm saying.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
This cunt tells menstruation and dick sucking jokes.

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bitch put more thought into that self indulgent masterbation, than any of her material

“its our job to take u thru a spooky mental haunted house”

no bitch, you are supposed to be “funny”