Hey WWAW SpaceEdge deleting all his posts but keeping his ribs


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I'll tell you one thing and I'm not ashamed to say it, my estimation of SpaceEdge as a man just fucking plummeted.



Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Was he or was he not responsible for the Cellar Table?

He thinks he's smarter than everyone else here, like he's Edward Snowden. You're an autistic weirdo who's funny sometimes.

The Cellar Table ruined this place, not Dan's gay podcast. I'm actually fucking disgusted.

Never meet your heroes.
The Cellar Table, the podcast, it's when certain users started to think they where above the rest of us that this place started to collapse.

They can blame The Alliance all they want, but we are just a reaction to those gay power tripping faggots.


Pfizer-BioNTech approved mod
Pretty fuckin shady man.

We've all left incriminating shit on the board here, but you're secretly covering your tracks as we go and leaving the rest of us to hang?

AND you kept your rib count on top of it?

Not PFG, man.
Do you still have the original text you sent to Pat about Boomia's kid getting McD's for eating a box of eclairs? I wanted a copy of that screenshot but you deleted it.