Hey, Randy, what makes you think they’d do Fourth of July on a Brit fag cruise line?


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Joseph’s boomer friends are all faggots, just like he is


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
If we had to recognise every counties independence from us giving them a decent start we would never get anything done. For us "losing America" is just a minor story in our much longer history. I don't even recall studying it in school
Yeah the complete collapse of your empire into irrelevance was a much bigger recent event.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
Yeah the complete collapse of your empire into irrelevance was a much bigger recent event.
Lol I was actually thinking about mexican independence day being so widely celebrated in this wonderful country of ours reading the thread. They've all got lifted trucks and don't give a FUCK. Which basically means it's all over.
And a willing invasion and government take over by Muslims and pajeets.
The fact that you don't even notice mexicans anymore proves my point.