Alt right is just another newspeak term made up by cointel pro spooks that manufactured the shift from hating the rich (which was organic) to hating the whites after occupy wallstreet.
((((Obama)))) cleaned house when his second term started, using the tea party movement to create a straw man for the right wing.
(which was anti tax at its origin, nothing to do with race like it’s portrayed today, people see a don’t tread on me flag and literally think “nazi”.)
Look at who created “alt right”, spooks and jews, gottfriend spencer and co.
Same with the words “gender identity, cis, toxic, problematic, pronouns, microagressions, etc” all completely made up by academic jews post 2010 and pushed by subversive whites and token minorities to get milquetoast conservatives riled up and mad at trannies (see: nana) while blackrock buys up every asset and tax money is funneled to the (((ruling class)))) through fake wars and pandemics.
Thus gen z has come of age where being considered racially prejudiced is a death sentence, every sorority girl in america posted that stupid black screen in solidarity with the death of junkie george floyd, posts videos of themselves dancing to nigger mumbling music everyday, , white suburb guys talk more ghetto than tupac , etc. this is pushed by the algo of yt, twitter, insta, tiktok, which everyone spends 4+hours mindlessly consoooooming everyday.
god forbid anyone be considered “right wing” and doesnt support the current thing or there linkeden profiles will get zero hits, let alone getting a date in the female dominated ((((dating apps)))) and social circles which have destroyed birth rates thus destroying the economic backbone of america, the white middle class.
Tldr, hitler was right and america is finished
Source: trust me bro.