would you mind posting the text in here for copy/paste purposes
First time listener. I thought you had a very balanced approach to the Pat situation. Definitely going to listen to more of your eps moving forward. A couple of thoughts:
1. The pests have been doing this for years. Anthony Cumia’s freeloading brother Joe has had it far worse than Pat for far longer. In all that time, never 1 swatting or bomb threat. It has never been their Modus Operandi. We believe it’s more likely that Pat has done this to himself (as confirmed by TorSwats) to drum up publicity for his cause with the hopes of having a sympathetic judge throw out his judgement. It did land him on 60 Minutes after all. The pests do funny photoshops, internet pranks, etc. Its unfortunate they go to far sometimes, but in the decade plus I’ve had interacted with the group I’ve seen zero swattings, bomb threats, anything physical being claimed by anyone associated with the forums.
2. Patrick is very confrontational online- and has been for years. He calls all Trump supporters Nazis. He brandishes weapons. He threatens physical violence. He gives absurd geopolitical takes commensurate with someone that graduated high school with a 1.3 GPA. Might some of the trolling be a natural reaction to his online hostilities? He is clearly a LOLCOW- he was before he drew the attention of the forums.
3. Patrick has Nikki really gloss over his attested for threatening to kill his then pregnant ex wife. Causing a pregnant woman that much mental distress is disgusting. It’s also disgusting for a woman to apologize & downplay this type of behavior. When we view this arrest with his twitter hostility, it’s reasonable to assume people would take issue with the man.
4. The only person to stick up for Tomlinson on the podcast is a pedo apologist who uses terms like Minor Attracted Persons and openly admits he views pedophilia as a sexual preference. Such opinions, while common in post modernist philosophy, are woefully ignorant to the generational trauma brought by sexual abuse of a child.
5. It’s estimated that over $200 billion of fraudulent PPP loans were paid out during COVID. Patrick claimed that he was making money full time off his literary works, yet filed for PPP relief during the pandemic. I don’t feel they necessarily explained why this happened on the pod.
6. Patrick has never tried to address the issue through the usual means- by cutting off all interactions & taking a more balanced approach to sharing online opinions. While I agree with them that it’s frustrating, they have never even attempted modifying their online presence- even for a short period of time.
7. Norm Macdonald is a national treasure & should be recognized as such.
8. The security footage of the alleged vandalism of Patrick’s V6 mustang clearly shows the perpetrator is the exact body size as Patrick.
Overall- I think you did a great pod. Will be a future Patreon subscriber. Good luck with your future content!
Enjoy prison, stlaker.