Half Life 2 doesn't really hold up


it doesn't taste all that good
True, it's a big ask though.

HL 1 was the first shooter to involve things like set pieces and NPCs that tied into the goal of what you were doing. Upto that point you had Doom and Duke Nukem and clones of that where you just got dropped in and started blasting. It was literally a revolutionary game.

The intro levels in 2 are quite cool but the 30 minutes plus you spend on the jetski just frustrates fuck out of you, unless you've got mad speedrunning skills and just go boatless


Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
As a very serviceable tech-demo from 2004 with a great deal of atmosphere

Beautifully put

I first realized it when they had me scale some giant bridge and shoot down a gun ship, and that was the level

I had to look up the guide online to let me know i did the thing and need to go back to my buggy


I still enjoy it but I can definitely see why people say 1 is superior. If you haven't already the remake of 1 called Black Mesa is PFG, the best part of it is how fleshed out the final part is compared to the original. Not a replacement of the original but still worth playing.


Get up here and shut up!
The only reason Half-Life 2 was any "good" was because it was a milestone in terms of physics and graphics at the time. This easily would've gone to Duke Nukem Forever if 3D Realms just released what they teased at E3 in 2001.