Ha ha HOLE shit



The comments look so fake. Paid shills, like when Niki tells her friends to leave good reviews for her stupid Posts by Ghosts:

"OK, this looks so good? I was doubting it at first, it looks so good. I love the storyline, it’s necessary and original! The actors all seem so good and wonderful. The two main characters seem really real, they are tender there outspoken, brilliant, can’t wait to watch!"

"OMG I'm an old maiden type of woman but I am grinning from ear to ear on this trailer. Can't wait to watch it!"

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
The agenda pushing I hate the most is this attempt to portray Middle Easterners as tolerant of LGBT. Just because Barrack married Michele doesn't mean most Muslim wouldn't stone a black tranny.

I like how they throw gay people off the roof, but they can’t build a building tall enough to kill any of them on the first toss

you think they’d make some kinda fag tower specifically for that
I don't even care so much that movies like this exist, but despite the incessant chants of, "sorry, I guess you'll just have to watch EVERY OTHER MOVIE made for you", I honestly can't think of the last movie that portrayed the fraternity of male heterosexual bonding in a fun, positive light. "Everybody Wants Some!!" I guess, but that was six years ago.