Guys I really hate Patrick



I am looking at the outcomes of secondary hypertension high blood pressure which is what he has and it's putting me in a good mood.

I'm going to enjoy what happens to him neckst.

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Ribbed for your pleasure
Not only his health but his "career" has been suffering since he started his don Quixote esque battle against our figurative windmill.

He made very little money I'm sure but he used to be on tv and actually finish books. You think a dork obsessed with star trek would hear some Klingon or Vulcan shit about the dangers of anger and revenge and wake up.


Not only his health but his "career" has been suffering since he started his don Quixote esque battle against our figurative windmill.

He made very little money I'm sure but he used to be on tv and actually finish books. You think a dork obsessed with star trek would hear some Klingon or Vulcan shit about the dangers of anger and revenge and wake up.
He has never watched Star Trek.


ImJustJenAndImEnough, AndImGreatAtJewingStuff
At the Chicago con he's apparently giving a panel on the best television shows in the past year. The problem is he doesn't watch television. He just pretends to watch television to give himself "geek" cred. I suspect he's one of those types that'll put an episode on, and within 2 minutes he's staring at his phone for a half hour. Wait what happened? Who is that character?

I really think Doctor Who is the perfect show for him, because you can ignore the entire episode until the grand finale where the Doctor has some aggravating monologue. YOU DALEKS MADE ONE FATAL ERROR AND THAT IS TO NEVER GIVE THE DOCTOR TIME TO FIGURE OUT YOUR PLAN! Then pick up the cell phone and back to twitter.
Swatting is too easy. I want him to die a slow painful death. Alone and forgotten by those who knew him except for us. I might visit him on his death bed
Imagine going to visit, them asking who you are, and them saying 'Patrick, hi, sorry to interrupt your sleep. Your old friend, Owen A. Forms, is here to see you! I'll leave you guys alone and be back to check on you soon.'

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
Swatting is too easy. I want him to die a slow painful death. Alone and forgotten by those who knew him except for us. I might visit him on his death bed
No, atalker. I am not dying of multiple organ failure. These are merely more of your delusions, child. Wait for the knock. Quietly, child. Quietly is k--HURRKKKKGGhhhhhhh..... *bowels release*


Imagine going to visit, them asking who you are, and them saying 'Patrick, hi, sorry to interrupt your sleep. Your old friend, Owen A. Forms, is here to see you! I'll leave you guys alone and be back to check on you soon.'
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