“Gross” / unappetizing foods that actually slap, child


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I'll add Tripe

The trick with Tripe (sorry for the pseudo alliteration) is finding someone born after, say, 1960 who likes it

it's mostly a delicacy for old wops (old Scots in the case of haggis)
Yeah I’m not the biggest fan of that one actually. Something about the texture is off putting to me


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I’m all in with shit like herring, especially that Dutch kind that is like salted and pickled.

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
I'll add Tripe

The trick with Tripe (sorry for the pseudo alliteration) is finding someone born after, say, 1960 who likes it

it's mostly a delicacy for old wops (old Scots in the case of haggis)
I like tripe in certain soups. It’s not some gay foodie thing for me it’s just that the texture does something for my autism riddled brain.


The Backbone of America
I like a lot of weird organ meats. I love calf liver and chicken hearts and gizzards. Canned fish/oysters/mussels. My grandfather used to love this shit called dulse that's just dried, salty seaweed and it's pretty great. I can eat straight cottage cheese all day and if I'm gonna Jazz It Up, I go savory instead of sweet.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I like a lot of weird organ meats. I love calf liver and chicken hearts and gizzards. Canned fish/oysters/mussels. My grandfather used to love this shit called dulse that's just dried, salty seaweed and it's pretty great. I can eat straight cottage cheese all day and if I'm gonna Jazz It Up, I go savory instead of sweet.
Fawk. I’m not into the cottage cheese but good for you, Abe, for sticking with what you like.