1. Jim Norton getting married to Alena shocked me. Him getting married is enough. To a tranny is even more. But the fact it was the tranny from 6 years ago that went dark is fucking hilarious.
2. OldGravyEgg’s scandal turning from sexting Leslie into BDSM crossdressing photos.
3. Braunheiser revealing he was Terry Cliffords son. Greatest reveal from a user on here and I don’t think it could be topped, lest we have Warren or Hudson Hughes posting here.
1. Jim Norton getting married to Alena shocked me. Him getting married is enough. To a tranny is even more. But the fact it was the tranny from 6 years ago that went dark is fucking hilarious.
2. OldGravyEgg’s scandal turning from sexting Leslie into BDSM crossdressing photos.
3. Braunheiser revealing he was Terry Cliffords son. Greatest reveal from a user on here and I don’t think it could be topped, lest we have Warren or Hudson Hughes posting here.